Bone, Tooth of a Large African Animal, 3 inches long


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  • A beautiful specimen, drilled and obviously worn for a while b/c the hole shows wear. It was old when I bought it nearly 50 years ago in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. 
  • After I became accepted as a "local" I could wander the "ju-ju" section of the market where weird, and sometimes wonderful, things with mystical or magical uses were sold. I was told this was a lion's tooth, a biologist later said it likely belonged to a baboon, a smaller, but less predictable animal with a bad reputation for attacking people, stealing food and destroying property, like car seats if you were fool enough to leave a window open at night.
  • Either way it's a nice specimen and I used it in my Bead ID classes to show people how to tell the difference between real teeth and the quite nice reproductions that were sold in the regular section of the bead markets. (see ORB-156).
  • To see some rougher, un-drilled real teeth see ORB-457
  • Only one available