Coral, Antique Nigerian Beads


Regular price $399.00

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    • Antique Nigerian coral beads, largest 10x10mm, 2x3mm
    • Many more small beads than big ones on this 30-inch strand, also more variation in color, and more pitting on the larger beads accounts for lower price
    • Coral crowns and other royal coral regalia reiterated the rights of the Oba (Divine king) to rule Benin in southern Nigeria from 1440-1897
    • Coral remains important in Nigerian society today, especially for weddings
    • Coral, an organic gem, is the outer skeletons of once-living sea polyps
    • Valued worldwide by humans for over 10,000 years, coral was treasured by ancient Egyptians and other Africans, Indians, Greeks, and Romans as well as Celtic tribes of northern Europe.
    • Mediterranean red-orange coral is most famous.
    • Protect Coral from abrasion, heat, perspiration and cosmetics which can fade the color. Clean with soap and water only, no steam cleaning.