Emerald, 8mm Round Beads on 16-inch Strands


Regular price $69.00

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  • Emerald round beads, 8mm on 16-inch strands
  • Gem quality emerald, reserved for faceted stones and beads, and is expensive. Wanting to make a more affordable option available Pat bought these for the Beadazzled Virginia Store and they have now come to me. Although quite different from the glowing emerald of cut stones, this version's soft green is calming and cooling.
  • If you are looking for gem quality check out my strand GMF-65
  • Among the stone's many benefits are support for living with an open heart allowing "the cornucopia of universal blessings to flow into one's life" which is why the stone is also known as the "prosperity stone" allowing one to attract what one needs and desires.
  • Emerald has been popular throughout the ages with early examples from Ancient Egypt. In ancient Rome it was a symbol of fertility. The Spanish discovered the best examples of Emerald in Columbia, but gem quality Emeralds are also found in Brazil, Russia and Africa.