Naga Glass, Antique Short Cylinders, Mixed Sizes and Orange Colors, Bags of 34 grams


Regular price $9.00

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  • Antique glass short cylinder beads, mixed light to dark orange colors and assorted sizes ranging from 4-10mm in length and 4 -8mm in diameter
  • Sold by bags of 34 grams, about 65 beads in the bag I test counted, but may vary some depending on distribution of bead sizes, they seem well mixed tho
  • These wound beads, with flattened ends, were likely made in China and traded to Nagaland, where they became popular and were used in Konyak and Chang necklaces.
  • The holes range from about 1-2mm diameter
  • Some people prefer the patina so we've left it alone. If you don't like it, you can put the beads in a mesh bag and run them thru the dishwasher. Test a few first to be sure you like it better.