Peruvian Llama Head Blade, 75x50mm


Regular price $24.00

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  • Another mysterious vintage casting from the Lima antiques market, where I prowled for Spanish trade beads, Nueva Cadiz, and pre-Colombian beads in the mid-1980s, while importing handcrafts and new clay beads from Peru.
  • I'm not sure this is really antique brass or bronze, but unlike the cats (MBC-66 and MBC-67) and the Moon Face Pendants (MBC-33) this one might actually be an antique. I've seen similar things in the the Gold Museum.
  • It features a llama's head as the handle of some kind of cutting or scraping blade with bird and animal figures carved on the front, the back is rough.
  • The dark coating hides the metal almost completely, but a little scratching with a file on the back reveals bright brass color
  • Only one available