Coral, Antique Moroccan Branches, Graduated 20-inch Strand


Regular price $925.00

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  • Antique Mediterranean coral branches from Morocco on 20-inch strand
  • Longest branches are 1 inch long and 5mm diameter
  • Collected in Morocco mid-1970s by Joyce Diamanti, world traveler and bead writer, researcher and collector
  • Only one available
  • These are unusually large branches, only very rarely, if ever, found in the Mediterranean today.
  • Valued worldwide by humans for over 10,000 years, coral was treasured by ancient Egyptians and other Africans, Indians, Greeks and Romans as well as Celtic tribes of northern Europe, Tibetans, Chinese, and North American Indians.
  • Mediterranean red-orange coral is most famous.
  • Protect Coral from abrasion, heat, perspiration and cosmetics which can fade the color. Clean with soap and water only, no steam cleaning.